Monthly Archives: September 2015

Bone and Joint Health

Sitting, standing, running a marathon, or simply gesturing excitedly during conversation – every moment of every day our bones and joints are constantly engaged in supporting fluid movement. It’s no wonder they tend to complain the more active we are and the older we get. No matter what your age, your bones and joints can…
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Brown sea vegetables thrive in lush underwater forests, and purport tremendous nutrients and compounds. Touting a powerful nutritional composition, brown sea vegetables are incredibly rich in magnesium, protein, Iodine, phosphorous, brown sea vegetables also contain Vitamins C, K, E, as well as zinc, sulfur, silicon, iron, copper, cobalt, boron, radium, and ultra-trace minerals.

Bladder wrack is a common brown sea vegetable that nestles upon rocks in colonies. Bladder wrack may also form mats of floating seaweed when torn from rocks during storms and wash ashore onto nearby beaches.

Bladder wrack has been used to assist in weight loss by nourishing the thyroid.